
Sunday, March 25, 2007

Work Day

Today was a workday at the Treadaway's (the pastor of Encounter where Jonathan and I go). And boy was it a work day! I have sore muscles that I didn't even know I had....I'm sore from my big toe to my fingertips. I spent the majority of the morning and afternoon laying tile in the living room and kitchen, with the help of others of course (Amber and Shari). The outside of the house was also repainted by Miguel, and it looks excellent! Shane took on the job of building all new kitchen drawers, Jonathan and Josh were in charge of all the tile work and cutting tile to custom fit in certain areas. None of the tile work would be done without much help from the "scrapers" who spent all day on their hands and knees scraping up old adhesive..and that was a task. Dennise and others were out in the yard cutting down an old, big tree and cleaning up ivey throughout the yard while Marni, beth, Shalyn and others were busy in the house cleaning up bathrooms and vaccuming. Sarah and Marni brought all the helpings and goodies for lunch and Sally, Jose and Mr. and Mrs. Perez (jose's parents) cooked us some wonderful fajitas, rice and beans for dinner. Overall it was a very productive day and I was excited to be a part of it. This whole project started out as an idea in a small community group as a way to help Brian and his family and repay him for all his hard work and dedication to the church. It's amazing to see God's handywork in this and see how He brings the community together. There were probably a total of 30 people that came out to help and the majority of them were not in the small group that took on this project. The love of friends is evident in this group and everone has such a big heart for serving our Lord and others. Of course I have pictures to show for the day but due to wanting to keep the hosue a suprise until the Treadaway's see it, your going to have to wait until Tuesday to see them...come back for more later.


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